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Mathematics 110 - Spring 2018

Grading scale:

Assignments Points Percentage
Four exams 300 75
Final exam 100 25
Points Final Grade Percentage
380 - 400 A+ 95.0 - 100
360 - 379 90.0 - 94.9
340 - 359 A- 85.0 - 89.9
320 - 339 B+ 80.0 - 84.9
300 - 319 75.0 - 79.9
280 - 299 B- 70.0 - 74.9
260 - 279 C+ 65.0 - 69.9
240 - 259 60.0 - 64.9
220 - 239 C- 55.0 - 59.9
200 - 219 D+ 50.0 - 54.9
180 - 199 45.0 - 49.9
160 - 179 D- 40.0 - 44.9
0 - 159 0 - 39.9