=====Mathematics 120 - Spring 2017===== ==== Homework ==== **Section 28.2** Exercise Set A: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 **Section 28.3** Exercise Set B: 3 And: The following table gives the number of deaths due to accidental falls in the United States for 1970: ^ Month ^ Number of Deaths ^ |January | 1668 | |February | 1407 | |March | 1370 | |April | 1309 | |May | 1341 | |June | 1338 | |July | 1406 | |August | 1446 | |September | 1332 | |October | 1363 | |November | 1410 | |December | 1526 | Test the hypothesis that deaths due to accidental falls are spread uniformly throughout the year. Answer: The value of the chi-square test statistics is $\chi^2 = 75.4273$. Using a chi-square distribution with 11 degrees of freedom, the //p//-value is less than 1%. Hence the data provide very strong evidence against the hypothesis that deaths due to accidental falls occur uniformly throughout the year.