=====Mathematics 241 - Spring 2015===== ==== Homework ==== ===Homework=== **Section 10.4** Exercise Set D: 1, 2, 3 **Section 11.1** Exercise Set A: 3 **Section 12.1** Exercise Set A: 1, 2 **Section 12.2** Exercise Set B: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 And: - The file [[http://dananne.org/fu/courses/math-241/R/pearson.txt|http://dananne.org/fu/courses/math-241/R/pearson.txt]] contains the data from Karl Pearson's study of the heights of 1078 fathers and sons discussed in Section 8.1. The data is in a table, with the first column labeled "Father" and the second column labeled "Son". Recall: If you use RStudio to directly import this file, change the "Separator" selection from "Tab" to "Whitespace". - Use this data to create a scatter diagram with regression line, treating the heights of the sons as the dependent variable. - Plot the residuals. - The file [[http://dananne.org/fu/courses/math-241/R/reading.txt|http://dananne.org/fu/courses/math-241/R/reading.txt]] contains data from a reading test administered to 40 elementary school students. The test was first given to the students in 1982 and then given a year later to the same students. The data is in a table, with the first column labeled "Y1982" and the second column labeled "Y1983". - Use this data to create a scatter diagram with regression line, treating the 1982 data as the //x// variable and the 1983 data as the //y// variable. - Plot the residuals. Answers: - - {{:math-241:m241-s15-hw:pearson-scatter-plot.png?direct&300|}} - {{:math-241:m241-s15-hw:pearson-residuals.png?direct&300|}} - - {{:math-241:m241-s15-hw:reading-scatter-plot.png?direct&300|}} - {{:math-241:m241-s15-hw:reading-residuals.png?direct&300|}}