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Mathematics 120 - Spring 2017


Section 28.2

Exercise Set A: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9

Section 28.3

Exercise Set B: 3


The following table gives the number of deaths due to accidental falls in the United States for 1970:

Month Number of Deaths
January 1668
February 1407
March 1370
April 1309
May 1341
June 1338
July 1406
August 1446
September 1332
October 1363
November 1410
December 1526

Test the hypothesis that deaths due to accidental falls are spread uniformly throughout the year.


The value of the chi-square test statistics is $\chi^2 = 75.4273$. Using a chi-square distribution with 11 degrees of freedom, the p-value is less than 1%. Hence the data provide very strong evidence against the hypothesis that deaths due to accidental falls occur uniformly throughout the year.