Master Pieces of Scientific Writing - Spring 2017
The final research paper will be due on the last day of class. Two preliminary steps will be the selection of a topic and preparation of an initial bibliography. Your topic must be approved by me no later than 13 October and your bibliography must be approved by me no later than 27 October.
Here are some general ideas for the final research paper:
Biographical papers on precursors and contemporaries
What did Darwin and Galileo get right? What did they get wrong?
Evolution since Darwin
The theory of tides before and after Galileo
Kepler and Newton on the solar system
Theories of acquired traits and use and disuse in evolution
Relationships between science, religion, and philosophy
Reaction of western religion and philosophy to evolution
Reaction of western religion and philosophy to heliocentrism
Can Genesis be interpreted literally?
Who ever thought the earth was flat?
Compare and contrast with modern scientific controversies
Climate change and politics
Genetic engineering, ethics, and politics
Philosophy of science